Fixing the 'webalizer not updating' problem in cPanel/WHM

The Webalizer is a fast, free web server log file analysis program. It ptoduces highly detailed, easily cofigurable usage reports in HTML format, which is then optimised for viewing on a standard web browser. 

This tutorial wil show you how to fix Webalizer when it's not updating properly. 

Run it manually using the following and check for errors:

$ su -s USER /bin/bash

$ /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/webalizer -d -T -N 10 -D \

/home/USER/tmp/webalizer/dns_cache.db -R 250 -p -n -o \

/home/USER/tmp/webalizer/ /usr/local/apache/domlogs/


?האם התשובה שקיבלתם הייתה מועילה 0 משתמשים שמצאו מאמר זה מועיל (1 הצבעות)